We’re now almost two full months into 2021, how are you holding up? We’re also now just about a year into this pandemic, which means that a lot of us are hitting a wall. We might be feeling more tired, more irritable, more sensitive or angry.
The weight of the last year has been a heavy one, and it has made looking forward seem bleak and pointless. It’s hard to stay optimistic after a year of grief. So today, we’ve put together a list of journal prompts for you to explore, when you’re going through hard times. They may not be able to fix the situation you’re in, but they can help to remind you that though it is big and terrible now, there will come a time when things will get better!
Prompt 1: Write your younger self a letter:
For this prompt, think back to your younger self. Where did they think they would be by the time they were your age? What could they have never predicted would happen to them? Write about these things, but more importantly, write about all the things in life you’ve accomplished in the time between being young then, and your age now. It doesn’t have to be big, world changing accomplishments, every accomplishment is something worth celebrating. And if you’re someone who struggles with complimenting yourself, framing it as complimenting your younger self (feels like another person) can make it easier. You can write something like, you didn’t think you were going to make it through that exam, but you studied really hard and you got an awesome grade! Tell them you’re proud of them. And reminding yourself of all the hard things you’ve been through before will remind you exactly how capable you are of getting through hard times now.
Write about the best meal you ever cooked:
When we think back to one of those “best ever” moments, it’s probably a moment where you accomplished something really hard, or were really happy. Either one is something to celebrate. A meal here is just an example, but you can swap it out for anything. Maybe the best meal you ever cooked was a traditional family recipe that you finally got just right! Think back to that time, and write about how amazing it felt to get it right after so long. Or, if your best meal ever was just a grilled cheese sandwich with a friend on your couch, write about that!
For this prompt, write about why that felt so special to you, and then remind yourself that it is your perspective, your unique you-ness that allowed that moment to come to fruition.
Thank yourself for making the space for that happy memory.
Write about your future self:
This prompt is asking you to think about: what will your life look like?
What will your home look like? Who do you envision in your life? What does your job, your neighborhood, etc. look like? How do you envision yourself filling your future life with joy, love and fulfillment? Write about all of these things. Describe your fantasy life, and why you want it, what need or desire inside of you each part fills! Having a dream for our future happiness can help push us through when times are tough. It helps us remember that yes, there is something more waiting for us, and that though it feels all consuming now, the hard times won’t last forever.
Prompt 5: Write a “recipe” for a quick pick me up:
This prompt can be handy to flip back to on bad days. So think, what makes you feel good on bad days? Make a list of things to try. It can include recipes for your favorite cookies, the favorite meal as a child, a list of songs that make you want to dance, a list of crafts that get you out of your head, affirmations, etc.
Write about a new skill you’re learning:
For this prompt, it doesn’t have to be anything big! You don’t need to be learning new languages, or signing up for college level classes to be learning something new. Maybe you just want to learn to make the perfect cup of pour over coffee. And maybe you’re only doing it through trial and error, without actually taking instruction from someone. That’s still learning!
This prompt is just asking you to appreciate your capacity to grow at all stages in life.
If you need more ideas for journaling prompts or questions to ask yourself during this time, our clinicians are offering online therapy appointments!
Pivotal Counseling Center is now accepting Medicaid including Blue Cross Community Medicaid, Meridian Medicaid, and Molina Medicaid for outpatient counseling.