Happy April!
It is now officially springtime. We did it! We made it through winter! And as the weather thaws and warms, and the plants start to bloom, it can feel like we’re also shaking off that winter frost. Now we’re finding ourselves with more daylight, warmer weather, and–likely–more energy than we had throughout the cold and dreary months of winter.
Consider how else your own cycles are reflected in the cycles of nature.
Think of a tree! In winter, trees stop their growth, using those resources in other ways to survive the winter rather than using them to grow. When the spring comes, trees–having kept themselves alive and thriving with that rest–are now able to resume that growth easily!
People are much the same. Your seasons don’t have to line up with the natural seasons of your environment; for example, maybe your emotional winter is actually in the summer! Find when your “seasons” are and try to honor those. With the natural effects of winter weather and shortened days, it’s just more common to experience that resting “season” in winter.
So, if all you did this winter was rest, don’t be hard on yourself! You need rest too. And that period of rest will now allow you to come back to your routines fresh and ready for new growth.
One thing you can freshen up is your mindfulness practice!
Springtime offers lots of opportunities for mindfulness. Even just sitting outside in the springtime can be a mindfulness practice. There are so many parts of your environment coming alive and interacting with one another, paying attention to the sounds and smells and sights around you can be a simple way to practice grounding yourself.
Other ways you can freshen up your mindfulness practice this spring include:
Find mindfulness in the flavors of the season:
Cooking is a great way to practice mindfulness. During every step you have to pay attention to your dish: how it looks, how it smells, the texture, the color, the taste, etc. When a new season comes around, that means new foods are now in season and you mix up how you nourish yourself with some fresh new flavors! Pick out a seasonal food to cook or bake with, and try to be present and mindful in each step of the process. You could even go to a local farmer’s market to pick out some fresh seasonal produce to use–which could be another mindfulness practice in itself! When you’re picking out your food, how are you choosing it? What smells, colors, shapes, etc. draw you in?
Try a walking meditation:
If you use meditation as a way to practice mindfulness, when the weather gets nice try shifting your practice outside! If you use guided meditation, you can find walking specific meditations on Headspace or youtube. Or, you can challenge yourself to use the foundation of whatever meditation practice you have to use without a guide as you take a walk.
Try a little spring cleaning:
It’s a cliche for a reason! As we go through that “thaw” that comes with winter ending and spring beginning, it’s always a good idea to reflect on your space. Thank it for how it’s served you in your season of rest, and ask yourself: will this space be able to provide me what I need in my season of growth? Maybe clutter has gathered that you need to clear, or maybe you need to find a way to reorganize so that you’re not having to do as much decluttering as often. Get rid of the things you can’t see using again, and make space for what your season of growth may bring you!
Pivotal Counseling Center has therapists who can help you work through stress and anxiety. We have locations in Woodstock, Illinois, and Lake in the Hills, Illinois. If you are in need of someone to help, please consider giving us a call at (815) 345-3400.
Pivotal Counseling Center is now accepting Medicaid including Blue Cross Community Medicaid, Meridian Medicaid, and Molina Medicaid for outpatient counseling.